
Electra is a virtual influencer, which means she is a fantastic, digitally created "personality" with realistic characteristics, appearance, and a character similar to a human. Electra resides in the lively city of Athens and, in her 30s (in digital years, of course), she perfectly combines charm, creativity, and style. With her impressive digital presence, she's ready to conquer the digital realm. 


Electra is more than just a virtual personality; she's a visionary project that aims to showcase the immense possibilities of AI technology in our time. Designed and crafted meticulously, Electra represents a fascinating intersection of cutting-edge technology and human creativity. She serves as a living testament to what AI can achieve in the world of social media and beyond. 

Evolving Melancholy

"Evolving Melancholy" is a captivating extension of the main exhibition, "Sweet Melancholy: The Art of the Algorithm." The paintings within this collection are dynamically evolving, showcasing novel dimensions of their central theme and transforming into entirely unique and distinct artworks.


Post Chaotic series

A glimpse of my 3rd project: Post Chaotic. A series of a dystopian chaos, somewhere between now and the future. Dimentions:1mx1m

Post Chaotic Series

How you look to me...

How AI sees u? The answer is at my second series "How you look to me". A series of portraits that is based to an established artistic style or an entirely new one that may defy traditional norms.using different artistic styles throughout history. The portraits are feature the same face, but with variations in style that reflect the evolution of art over time. One face, many variations, throught art's timeline.

How you look to me...

Sweet Melancholy, the Art of the Algorithm

Greece's first-ever AI-generated art exhibition, "Sweet Melancholy," offers a thought-provoking experience that pushes the boundaries of traditional art and authorship. We invite you to explore the unique art pieces that have been created for this exhibition and challenge your perceptions of what art can be.

Sweet Melancholy series


How it is done: Training AI to create

How it is done: Training AI to create

The paintings and visuals showcased in the "Sweet Melancholy" exhibition were created using specialized AI models trained through AI. These models were designed to evoke a sense of bittersweet nostalgia inspired by the works of Edward Hopper and the TV series Mad Men. To achieve this, a specific model was created and then trained using a vast number of images until it was able to produce the desired emotional response. The process involved the use of AI code to fine-tune the model until it was capable of generating the precise feeling intended for the exhibition. The result is a collection of paintings that encapsulate the essence of sweet melancholy in a way that is both captivating and deeply moving.
Go to Sweet Melancholy page


I was born in 1973 in Mytilini and study applied arts and graphic design in Athens. It was during this time that I became captivated by the possibilities of combining art and technology, which was made possible by the advent of the first version of Photoshop. Although I had been interested in technology since my teenage years, having experimented with computers such as Spectrum, Amstrad, Amiga, and Mac, my passion for the intersection of art and technology truly took hold after my graduation. I worked for two decades in various parts of Europe, including Rome, Grenoble, Amsterdam, and Nicosia, in roles that spanned the creative, technical, and educational aspects of my profession. Upon my return to Greece, I developed an interest in machine learning and its potential applications within the field of art. This fascination led me to explore the incredible possibilities of ML, particularly in how it can be used to create art that pushes the boundaries of what is possible. Through my work, I am trying to push the boundaries of art, technology, and creativity. For the last two years, I have been working amateurally with artificial intelligence systems and, now being certified in data analysis,I am exploring the use of big data in machine learning algorithms and their application in the field of art.
Making of: How you look to me series

Making of: How you look to me series

To create this series, a unique model was trained to capture the essence of the individual being depicted. Following the training phase, the AI proceed to generate each portrait within the series, employing an established artistic style or creating an entirely new style that may defy traditional norms. The process allows for a diverse range of possibilities in terms of artistic expression, providing the opportunity to produce portraits that are highly realistic or abstract. In essence, the creation of this series demanded both technical expertise and artistic vision to produce engaging and thought-provoking results.
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Contact Akindynos Koutsouras

You can contact with me for further information about the paintings

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About me

Artist, AI enthousiast, geek

(Don't crack under pressure :))